Home History of Rode Rural Environment Frith Farm & Flexham Farm

Frith Farm & Flexham Farm

Above: Flexham Farmhouse (foreground)

[Extract from History of Some of the Old Buildings in Rode by Dawna Pine, second edition]:

Flexham and Frith Farms are sited opposite each other on the Bradford on Avon Road about 1 km from the top of Rode Hill. They are grade 2 listed buildings described as late 18th century although, as they are on Rode Common, they are unlikely to have been built before its enclosure in1792 and are not shown on that map. The Frith takes its name from an area mentioned in a 1286 report of poaching, when: “Nicholas de Montford of Tellesford and Richard le Vag entered the forest at La Frith near Telesford and netted a stag.”

The Andrews and Dury map of 1773 shows a house called The Frith as lying where Vaggs Hill Farm now stands. The 1805 survey describes the present site as the old brick plot. The Frith is ashlar built with moulded cornice and coped parapet and verges. Flexham is not shown on the 1839 map It has similar features to The Frith but is brick built with ashlar end pilasters.

Above: Detail from 1844 OS map, with present-day Bradford Road running from the bottom left to top right. The building on the right of the road is now known as FlexhamFarm, with Frith Farm on the left of the road.
Above: Flexham Farmhouse, c2020
19 March 2024
Last Updated
19 March 2024